New Site, Webcast, and Contest!

Hello People of the Foot! We are excited to invite you to check out the updated version of the site, and most importantly, encourage you to start uploading your photos and videos from the tour! If you don't already have an account, just create one and you'll be off and running!
Most importantly, we are also celebrating the site launch with a BRAND NEW CONTEST -- UPLOAD YOUR BEST LIVE VIDEO FROM THE TOUR AND WIN AN AUTOGRAPHED CHICKENFOOT GUITAR + FULL MERCHANDISE SWAG PACKAGE! Entries are voted on by the community and Joe, Chad, Mike and Sammy will be choosing the grand prize winner themselves in a SPECIAL LIVE BROADCAST FROM THE DEC 5 VEGAS SHOW. We're putting the final touches on it now and you can expect to get a special peak at SOUNDCHECK, see the guys announce the winner, and answer a few questions from you fans. More details coming, upload your videos and start voting on others today! To post a video, log in and click on the "PROFILE" link up there on the top of the page to the right under the logo, then click the "Add video" link. You can view videos by visiting the MEDIA section and videos also will show up on their tour detail page.
We'll be updating you in the coming weeks with more details on the site but please start poking around and see some of the cool new features that we have for the awesome community of fans who have supported the band so amazingly on the whirlwind trip from the album's release to GOLD! Once you are logged in, you can add tour photos, tour videos, and even maintain a blog here at CHICKENFOOT.US. We'll pick our favorite blogs and feature them on the home page.
Please be thoughtful and only post appropriate content (that means photos and videos from the shows)-- we will be keeping an eye on things and switch to moderated first if it becomes necessary.
Oh yeah, one last thing... ON DEC 1st for ONE NIGHT ONLY, you can check out a world premiere of CHICKENFOOT LIVE theater show in participating theaters. For more details read here.
I just love chickenfoot. There is definitely alot of talent in this band. Also such
a great singer with sammy. Keep up the good work.
I really have to say this , I was excited to see that Sammy has a new band , the band rocks .. At first being disabled without income , I used a file share program and downloaded the entire CD ..But then after being less than pleased with the sound quality, I went out and bought the limited edition CD/DVD set at Best buy ..Did I get a real cd and dvd or did get a pirated one ..I mean I bought it packaged at my local best buy , but the sound quality is far less then perfect ..Nearly all of the songs start out fine , but then after about 30 seconds of play they sound all garbled , full static .. I know it is not my sounds system , i build my own computers and run a 70 watt surround sound speaker set up . Someone tell me are you having the same problem..Music is not Music unless the sound is perfect ..!!!
Chickenfoot are THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD! Thank you guys for doing this. I saw you 4 times on tour this year and I can't get enough. The new site is awesome. I have 2 questions if I may; the December 1st only theater presentation of Chickenfoot Live was not shown anywhere in the 6 New England there any reason why? Will there be a live DVD Chickenfoot concert coming anytime soon for those of us addicted to the music? The new CD/ DVD package from Best Buy is great by the way. Keep rocking....we love you guys!!!!!!
Hey everyone finally got around to joining!! Chickenfoot is awesome!! My wife and I are driving to Vegas for the show Saturday. Can't wait!
I live in San Diego and attended the premier screening last night with my 2 boy's. WE WERE THE ONLY ONE'S THERE. What happened? I got there an hour early thinking it would be sold out. Was the website the only promo? The show was awesome, kind of a tease for this Saturday. Were the other theaters empty also? I certainly hope not.
All I wanted to say is Thanks too the FOOT for the Great Music and Video's,
Who else but Sammy could go from singing with one of the best GUITAR PLAYERS, Too the BEST GUITAR PLAYER!!!!!
Can anyone tell me why "Future In The Past" is not played 24/7 on the radio nationwide???? It has the whole early Zep feeling to it and powers to a screaming halt some 6 minutes later.... Best thing I have heard in a decade... WHERE IS THE VIDEO?!?!?
How do you see the videos that have been sumitted? I submitted 2 of them and can't find mine or any others HELP!!!! I need that guitar.
You can view the videos here ->
WOW....the foot has their work cut out for them watching all the videos. Great stuff!!!!
Thank you,
Hey admin.. am I getting this right? The webcast will be only of the soundcheck shenanigans? Not the show itself? If that's the case then I'm going to be terribly disappointed. I mean who's ever heard of a "webcast" of everything but the show? That's just downright sad. I was really getting hyped about actually getting to see a show of the foot, cuz there's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'd get to see one for real. I guess it's like Homer said: "You'd better get your hopes up!".
» Phy³
Hey Phy³- it was originally just going to be the announcement of the winner but then we decided to extend it into a special little sneak peak into the soundcheck experience. However, we are investigating some possible plans for something special for 2010, but it's too early to comment on! So for now it's not a full show, but it'll be a good time and we hope you tune in :}
Well, my video of the band live in Cabo is uploaded and receiving a *lot* of high ratings! I sure hope it's enough to win this incredible guitar!! Check out the photo I also just uploaded of me with my girlfriend fawning over Joe's warm-up guitar backstage before the show in Boston! Even back in August I dreamed of owning one of these beauties! And since I recently started playing guitar again, this would be the *perfect* way to "get back into it"! =)
Thanks guys for a great time in Lake Tahoe. So much so I'll see you guy in VEGAS!!!!! on the 5th. Drivin from Sacramento to Sin City to catch your last show of the year. Keep rockin ....RJS
givin a happy thanksgiving shoutout to the foot!! todays also my 16 birthday, i remember right around this time last year i saw joe for the first time in san francisco. amazing man, amazing band! u guys rock!!!!!!!!!!! keep it up joe chad sammy and mike!
I WANT THE CF GUITAR!!!!! I don't live in the US and probably will never get the chance to come to a CF concert
MR. SATRIANI HELP A BROTHER old guitar is fallin apart and i could really use a new one :)
I need to get my hands on one of these guitars..please let me know what i can do
Haze from Dubai
I would LOVE to have would be the perfect guitar to work on my Chickenfoot guitar tracks. I am no Joe Satriani, but I will do the best I can :-). I have been a fan of Joe's for years. I think this has been great for him. It was a whole different element for him and his playing...I think he will be even better from it and that is saying something. It would be interesting to see how he follows this on a new Chickenfoot cd or a solo one. I love the Alien/Extremist Joe for example, but I think this is some of his best guitar work. His rhythm playing on this cd was great...a song like Soap on a Rope sounds the Rock candy sonic boom on 70s rock. SO ROCKS...Joe feel free to call me anytime with the Chickenfoot guitar...I will take care of your baby promise....:-)
Chad, Joe, Mike and Sam...thank you so much for a great summer! Thank you for being true to your fans while rockin your balls off! The fact that this site continues to grow even after the tour is over is as much a testament to your loyalty to us and as it is the fans demand for more FOOT!! Much appreciated fellas, keep this train's a trip!
Chickenfoot Rocks!!!
OH,you all have lucky of live in eua,im from brazil(sorry the bad english ;b ) and i think who i dont will see this awesome band so soon,and will need to import the DVD :(
For the One night only movie premire can we get tickets in advance thru the theatre or have to call the venue itself.
Your best best is to call the theater and find out how/when you can get advance tickets.
All I want for christmas is for my 3 year old daughter to own this guitar, she goes wild when she watches the videos, and she loves Sammy. How about giving this girl one of the best christmas gifts ever!!!!!
So... this is ALL good news, but in the headline it says "webcast" and then never mentions it again anywhere. Is that going to be tonight? Is that what the "something big is coming" was all about? Or was the something big the contest etc.? I guess I'm just curious to know if this announcement (& website facelift - very nice btw!) was the big thing or if something else is happening?
» Phy³
--’‘ ’‘
Hi Phyydeaux_3-- good question! The webcast will be from Vegas on Dec 5 and we'll be filling you in with more details the week before the show. The "something big" was a combination of the NEW SITE (we want you to upload your content!), the CONTEST, and the Soundcheck/Winner Selection/Q&A WEBCAST from Vegas. Plus the Dec 1 screenings in theaters tossed in for good measure :}
will i be able to view it in the UK?
yes, it should be viewable from anywhere in the world, provided you have a reliable internet connection that is fast enough (DSL, cable modem, etc).
Sick dude :) Long live the Foot!
Thanks! Also, just curious, I'm having a helluva time finding out from Best Buy Canada when the Deluxe package is coming, the site says Nov 17 release but there's no info at all when it will be in store in Canada, eh?
Any info?
» Phy³
--’‘ ’‘
The site is evolving right before my very eyes today!
I am LOVING this place!
Big KUDOS to the web techs that are pouring so much
heart and soul into this place.
It's quite fitting that Chickenfoot now has a website
that rocks just as hard as THEY DO!!!!!
Love ya Chad, Mike, Joe and Sammy!!!!!
See ya in VEGAS BABY!!!!
Awwwwww i'd give my right and left nut to own one of these beauties..
Sweet! Love the changes to the site. Chickenfoot fan forever.
awww darn that means i have to look thru all my chad "footage" again......I think somehow i can do that.
we'll probably win cause he's so darn purrty
Its too bad you are only offering this to people who have seen your shows ..As I have been a fan of all of you since I was a teen in High School ..But I am disabled , and do not have the income to spend to see a show ..Most of the time I am stuck at my computer enjoying your music by viewing your posted videos. I would love to own a Chickenfoot guitar ..But , sadly I will never get the chance to even see you in concert ..Keep Rocking ..A fan.
Hi Todd-- please feel free to create your own original video that is all chickenfoot (such as your own video to a CF song). As long as it is not too far off theme, you might have a chance, but it'll have to be very good to compete with a video the guys live! :}
If I make my own video , where do I get my Chicken foot Photos from to use in the video ..I have never seen them live ..What are the rules about that ..