Deluxe DVD/CD version coming Nov 1!

We're happy to announce that coming November 1 is an exclusive Deluxe Limited Edition of the Chickenfoot album. More details are still to come, but the for now the quick summary is:
* CD includes all 12 tracks (including Bitten By The Wolf)
* DVD includes an hour of new video footage featuring videos for every song including live performances from Montreux Jazz Festival (Soap on a Rope, Sexy Little Thing & Down The Drain), and exclusive footage from the road, in rehearsal, and in the recording studio. Both official music videos for "Oh Yeah" and "Soap On A Rope" are also included.
* Brand new inverted black on white packaging design (code-named The White Album) - see if you can figure out the twist on the original's heat-sensitive experience
Best of all, the cost is only $9.99!
Fans outside of the US can expect a release starting 11/23.
Wow that's amazing I am a rock fan & i ve collected most of the rock band's CD DVD collection.I will surely buy this one...
you rock I so want that all my friends would be so jealous and I would be the happiest person in the world
Got the new disc the day it dropped! Awesome. We need the Foot(print) back in NYC !!! Perhaps, after Vegas, you guys can hang a right to head straight to the coast? Major Foot withdrawal. Peace. Thanks for the great gigs out here.
I'm getting back-order e-mails. I ordered first day available. Waiting to resolve soon, I hope. It's like they want to refund me and direct me to a store. Quite the trip for me. Should have been pulled prior to stocking stores. First album I ordered was the same way but finally arrived. I'm not in love with Best Buy. I am in love with the Foot and have full blown Foot Fever!
Hi Chewy-- After another report of something similar, we inquired about this and the Best Buy folks tracked it to a glitch in the ordering system. They are overnighting product to all customers who had purchased but received a back-ordered message so you should get yours right away!
Thanks for the update. I really appreciate that you looked into this!
As usual Canada has to wait !
I just got the new Deluxe version with DVD...DVD is great. Jon, you did a great job on the DVD.
A lot of FOOTage from the Fillmore show from San Francisco,which I was in!!
The new packaging is great!! Everybody get your Black Lights out of the closet and get them to use!
Saw yall in Atlanta.Didnt know I could stand (and dance)for that long at my age.Hope I have a cameo moment on your DVD.Thanks for ALL the great music through ALL of yalls long career.Looking forward to your blues album you promised in Atlanta
I'm off to the store today for CHICKENFOOT!!! God bless you guys for bringing back HARD ROCK!!! AND ON THE EIGHT DAY GOD CREATED CHICKENFOOT!!!!!
Got mine yesterday (11/1) played the last track three times before going on to the rest. My question is: were these tracks remastered/remixed? They sound kind of different compared to what I listened to all summer. Can anybody help me with this? Thanx
Chickenfoot rocks! I can't wait for the Deluxe version to come out! Unfortunately I have to wait till the 23rd...
Is there a way to ship it to the Netherlands? I don't wanna wait! Does anyone know a webshop that ships internationally??
I recently purchased the vinyl copy to get the bonus track (I guess America doesn't rate, you have to buy the Japanese import or the vinyl to get 12 tracks)Regardless,it came with a free digital download coupon. The problem is that both websites on the coupon don't exist( anyone successfully downloaded the digital copy, and if so WHERE???? THANX
I downloaded mine from the following address, using the code that was on the slip of paper inside the album.
I just bought the album and I received no code and when on the website you gave they said there was a form to fill out to receive on. The email is now defunct. is there another way to get the code?
I had no isuues downloading my copy from the album. I just followed the directions, but I bought mine when it first came out. I would think the download site would still work
We've contacted Kevin with a solution for his problem :}
Deluxe DVD/CD version coming Nov 1!
Hey ! Greaaaaaat news ! I will buy this one ! (must say that I was there in Montreux, at the first row... This might explain maybe !!!)
CHicken Rocks !
Cool...that will make an awesome birthday gift for myself! Speaking of birthdays...
A HUGE happy 62nd Ten13 to SAMMY!!!!!!!!! Much love & happiness to ya!!!
Darlene in R.I. /|\
I can't wait to get my hot little hands on this new release! The Connecticut show was a blast and the original CD is as impressive as it gets! I know what everyone in my Family (and Friends) are getting for Christmas across the board. Congratulations on a superb LP and a fantastic tour! It doesn't get better than this - until Chickenfoot tops it with a second LP and tour. Many thanks to the band and their entire support personnel! I'm drooling from the beak! Bitten by the Chicken.
Doug Edgar, Westerly, RI/Gainesville, FL
Thank you! This will keep me happy until the full length concert dvd. My wife and I were lucky enough to catch you in May blow the roof off the Middle East in Boston! We were visiting friends and family and our trip home coincided with the BEST rock show I have seen in a while, and I have seen many! We got tix through the fan club. Thank you guy's for THE rock album of the year! Can't wait for the next one! Happy Birthday Sammy!!
Brant and Heather, way down in Florida.
I just received an email from BestBuy, saying the cd/dvd is BACKORDERED! It didn't even come out yet, how can it be backordered two to three weeks? WTF
Anyone else get this email?
Mr. Jim
New Jersey
Hi Mr. Jim-- I inquired about this and the Best Buy folks tracked it to a glitch in the ordering system. They are overnighting product to all customers so you should get yours right away!